Wicker King (jtoomey) wrote,
Wicker King

  • Location:

Songs You Might Find Interesting: A17-20

17) American Idiot - Green Day
      ...because I was wrong to write-off Green Day so quickly, lo, the many years ago
      ...because it has that great speed-hook, if you'll allow the term
      ...because it would be great fun to play in Guitar Hero
      ...to a track off of today's generation's Tommy

18) American Tune - Simon & Garfunkel
      ...because I promise (threaten!) that there will be less Simon & Garfunkel in future lists, so you should get your fill now
      ...because I can't think of another writer who could write so wrenchingly about pilgrims
      ...because it's as meaningful today as it was when it was composed
      ...to the great key change at the end of each verse

19) Amie - Damien Rice
      ...because if you don't know Rice yet, you're totally missing out
      ...because the string arrangement is gorgeous
      ...because Rice's voice sounds alternately so fragile and so powerful, so effortlessly
      ...to the way the harmonies slowly fill in as the song progresses, taking us from sparse to lush

20) Amos Moses - Jerry Reed
      ...because every song on this list isn't a tear-jerker
      ...because Reed honestly sounds like he's having the time of his life in every song he performs
      ...because the lyrics are so delightfully absurd
      ...to the guitar style -- nobody sounds like Jerry Reed

( one more A list to go... sooner or later. ;) )

  • Never Forget

    January 31st, 2007

  • "The Seeker"?

    Hmmm. Be very, very afraid. (And I thought I was frightened before.) Was Over Sea, Under Stone deemed too dull for a crowd of 2007 children?

  • See Also

    Clicky to comic source. (I'd also find someone who could do a better job with the text.)

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