TwentieSomethings: Please fill it out, it's fun and educational!
1. Something worth hearing:
If not Moxy Fruvous, then: _The Luckiest,_ by Ben Folds -- it's one of the best love songs recently written, in that it doesn't make me cringe.
2. Something worth seeing:
The patterns in a spider's web -- hey, don't just sweep it up and away!
3. Somewhere worth a visit (physically):
Florence, Italy -- plan on spending longer there than anywhere else in the country
4. Somewhere worth a visit (web):
Beholder's Planetarium -- the puzzles aren't mandatory, and the story's worth the (free) price of admission.
5. Something to touch:
I'd like to touch the ground... on the moon. I hope to live long enough to see this possible for a normal, unexciting person like myself. It's coming.
6. Something to taste:
Coffee milk is not coffee with milk in it; it's cold milk with coffee syrup in it. Think coffee ice cream, but better.
7. Something to smell:
Cedar wood -- it's common, but I find it untouchable in the sniffability department.
8. Something to feel:
A stingray -- they're smooth and spongy, like a wet mushroom
9. Something to try:
A food that sounds nasty, but with which I have no real firsthand experience
10. Something to read:
_Illusions,_ by Richard Bach is excellent, and short enough to read in an afternoon.
11. Something to experience before you die:
Playing a song you wrote on a stage in front of people you don't know
12. Something you like that's old:
Two-masted schooners
13. Something you like that's new:
Instant Messaging
14. Something to do (outdoors):
Plant a garden.
15. Something to do (indoors):
Write a novel.
16. Something to avoid:
Believing that the poor and homeless are just lazy and worthless
17. Someone to know:
Your parents -- they're not eternal
18. Someone you don't know but wish you knew:
This really depends on what is meant by 'know' -- if the someone would be really close, not just an acquaintance, then this is a much more difficult question. It's very tempting to choose someone 'important' who I feel is misguided in the hope that I could be a positive influence in their life, but the charisma which most of these people possess might facilitate the opposite effect, making me more like them. So I could choose someone I think would be inspiring to others around them, and maybe they would make me a better, more creative person: John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr., Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen Hawking... hmm. I think I'll go with Isaac Asimov -- all accounts I've read present him as an incredible mind, and a compassionate, kind soul. There was a book of his letters published posthumously... I can't remember the title, but it really showed how much he cared about people.
19. Something to remember:
Everyone has something they do better than you;
everyone has something they can't do as well as you can;
everyone has something to offer you;
everyone you touch comes away a different person than they were before they met you.
20. Something to inspire:
"I am invincible as long as I'm alive." -- John Mayer