Wicker King (jtoomey) wrote,
Wicker King

  • Music:


Got this from primavera's LJ:

The Soundtrack of the Movie of My Life:
    Opening credits: "All Around the World or The Myth of Fingerprints," Paul Simon
    Waking-up scene: "Blood Makes Noise," Suzanne Vega
    Average-day scene: "The Ballad of Barry Allen," Jim's Big Ego
    Hanging out with your best friend scene: "Ana Ng," They Might Be Giants
    First-date scene: "Here Comes Your Man," The Pixies
    Falling-in-love scene: "The Mayor of Simpleton," XTC
    Love scene: "Annie's Song," John Denver
    Sex scene: "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida," Iron Butterfly ;>
    Summer scene: "Searchin' For the Sattelites," Bleu
    Fight-with-friend scene: "Faint," Linkin Park
    Break up scene: "Song For the Dumped," Ben Folds Five
    Get-back-together scene: "For You," John Denver
    Family fight scene: "Wild World," Cat Stevens
    'Life's okay' scene: "Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of a New Day)," Jethro Tull
    Fall scene: "Tear In Your Hand," Tori Amos
    Mental-breakdown scene: "Crazy Train," Ozzy Osbourne
    Driving scene: "Overnight Drive (What Might Have Been)," Star64
    Winter scene: "Eleanor Rigby," The Beatles
    Feeling hatred scene: "Happiness In Slavery," Nine Inch Nails
    Lesson-learning scene: "I Will Not Take These Things For Granted," Toad the Wet Sprocket
    Spring scene: "Sick Day," Fountains of Wayne
    Closing credits: "Hidden Sun," Barenaked Ladies
Course, if I did it again tomorrow, it'd be different.

  • Never Forget

    January 31st, 2007

  • "The Seeker"?

    Hmmm. Be very, very afraid. (And I thought I was frightened before.) Was Over Sea, Under Stone deemed too dull for a crowd of 2007 children?

  • See Also

    Clicky to comic source. (I'd also find someone who could do a better job with the text.)

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